Effects of cigarette smoking on erythrocyte sedimentation rate, platelet count, total and differential leucocyte counts in adult male smokers

Blood parameters effected by cigarette smoking in males





Platelet count, Smoking, Total leucocyte count


Smoking is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Smokers have higher risk for coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, acute myocardial infarction, hypertension, clotting disorders, inflammation, respiratory diseases, cancers, etc. A cigarette smoker is exposed to a number of harmful substances. In this study we hypothesized that smoking causes inflammatory reactions and induces hyperthrombic state in the body which may be reflected in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), total leucocyte count (TLC), differential leucocyte count (DLC) and platelet count values. The purpose of the study was to study the effects of cigarette smoking on erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total leucocyte count and platelet count in adult male smokers and to compare the results with non-smokers and to establish a relationship between the duration and quantity of smoking with the change in ESR, TLC, DLC and platelet count. A cross sectional study was conducted in the department of Pathology on 86 healthy male subjects (smokers=43 and non-smokers=43). ESR was estimated using Westergrens method. TLC, DLC and platelet counts were estimated using HORIBA Pentra ES60 autoanalyser. TLC and basophil counts were significantly higher in smokers than in non-smokers (p<0.05). The mean value of ESR was higher among smokers than non-smokers but it was statistically insignificant. Platelets counts showed no significant difference between smokers and non- smokers. No correlation was observed in various blood parameters and smoking (in pack years). We conclude that smoking initiates an inflammatory response as evidenced from raised TLC, monocyte and basophil counts.


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Author Biographies

Safia Sultana, Deccan College of Medical Sciences

Graduate Student

Nabila Afsar, Deccan College of Medical Sciences

Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology

Mohammed Jawad, Deccan College of Medical Sciences

Graduate Student

Mohammed Abdul Hannan Hazari, Deccan College of Medical Sciences

Professor & Head, Department of Physiology


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How to Cite

Sultana S, Afsar N, Jawad M, Hazari MAH. Effects of cigarette smoking on erythrocyte sedimentation rate, platelet count, total and differential leucocyte counts in adult male smokers: Blood parameters effected by cigarette smoking in males. Ann Med Physiol [Internet]. 2019Mar.28 [cited 2025Feb.16];3(1):14-8. Available from: https://amphysiol.com/index.php/amp/article/view/v3i1.35185



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