Effect of tea and coffee consumption on the blood pressure, pulse wave velocity and aortic pressures in young healthy individuals
Effect of tea and coffee on CVS
Blood pressure, Coffee, Hypertension, TeaAbstract
Caffeine present in tea and coffee, the most commonly used beverages, has been implicated to have long term effects on cardiovascular system. The aim of this study was to document the acute and chronic effects of tea and coffee consumption on blood pressure, pulse wave velocity and aortic pressures in young, healthy individuals. This observational study was conducted on 86 healthy MBBS student volunteers of both genders between the age group of 18-27 years. Cardiovascular parameters (heart rate, peripheral blood pressure, central blood pressure, pulse wave velocity, augmentation pressure) were measured using PeriScope™. Participants were divided into 3 groups based on their history of consuming tea/coffee/both/none. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS 17.0. ANOVA or Welsh test of equality of means was used for knowing the differences for scale variables. Paired sample t test was used to know the acute effect of coffee consumption among group 1 participants in a before-after design. In regular tea consumers, the bilateral brachial SBP, DBP and MAP were significantly higher than individuals who did not consume tea regularly; similar results in these parameters were also observed in regular coffee drinkers. However the lower limb arterial parameters were not markedly differently in tea/coffee group compared to non-drinkers. In both tea and coffee group, AoSP and AoDP were significantly higher than non-drinkers. Additionally, coffee drinking has acute stimulatory effects on CVS as evident by increase in peripheral and central vascular parameters.
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